Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Zeke Survived A Call-In Show

Remember that one radio show that's, in my view, simply awesome? Zeke called in!

I've been listening for years and have never called, partially because the host is known for terminating calls with gusto. Imagine stepping into the arena with a wild giraffe on the loose. It could be good. Or not. You just don't know! It's like the Soup Nazi, just funny. You're supposed to get on the air, you make your point, and get out, which he did. The unspoken agreement is "entertainment and efficiency."

Not only did Zeke NOT get hung up on, but survived unscathed. And made a great point!

Quality call, Zeke from Eureka, California. Top shelf.


Z said...

Thanks for the encouragement Mike! I learned everything I know about calling radio shows on KHUM. I was extremely nervous and distracted by two kids coming in the room during the call. Eesh!

Rockhouse Jones said...

I'd put a donk on that.

Dronk said...

He's like Mr. T surviving that firing squad in that one A-Team episode.