This year's High Sierra Music Festival was awesome. Not unlike Michael Franti & Spearhead, it's never a question of if the show's going to be good. It's just a matter of how good. Every year the campsite ("pleasure dome") gets a little cooler, and this year we had extra everything.
Our crew, in order of distance traveled:
April and Larry in from Oakdale via Montana or something
Julie and Brian in from AZ
Jen and Box/Westside Eka
Sara, Sasha, and Mike/Northside Eka
Dawn, Larry, and Jack/ Ferndale
Kim and Chris from Yuba City
This year was smoky. There were wildfires all over NorCal, and we drove through tons of of smoke (and an active fire zone!). The wind pushed it up toward the festival three out of the four days.
It was really great to see old faces, especially when those old faces were either dirt-encrusted or adorned with glowsticks. Or both. Whatever.
The headliners, we didn't seem to care for (excepting Spearhead, duh). But the smaller, newer bands generally ranged from surprisingly good to literally stunning. Sara's favorite band was the gently beautiful EverybodyFields. James Hunter was unreal, as was Abigail Washburn's Sparrow Quartet. Spearhead blew it up, as did NoLa's Trombone Shorty. More props: Langhorne Slim, Ryan Montbleau, Mother Hips, March Fourth Marching Band.
Sasha did great. She's such a trooper. People loved her headphones, which allowed us to get much closer to the speakers than last year.
You know when you're a kid and you go to camp? That what this is. It's Fun Camp. It's where everybody who's randomly friendly to strangers gets together. Good music, freaky people, and total release. Photos here.
HSMF Field Notes and Quotes:
There was a small wedding on the Yoga Thursday night: officiant, wedding party, and all. Instant honeymoon!
This other couple in front of me had semi-discreet sex in the middle of the mainstage's music bowl during Built To Spill's set. (I found this noteworthy, but the campsite crew yawned it off. )
"Nice shirt!" - more than a few people, appreciating the Big Lebowski shirt Zeke gave me.
"Not on the rug, man." - Bumper sticker at Nathan Moore's campsite
"Don't break the seal, dude." - A guy sharing a theory of festival hygiene that relied on not showering or using the bathroom until Monday.
"Chicks dig the funk." -Same guy, bragging about going to Reggae on the River in a moldy tent with sweatlodge blankets. Ironically, he was volunteering for HSMF's shower crew.
"Is that Kashmir?....Alright." - Chris, finally being convinced to go see Bustle In Your Hedgerow
"There was a typewriter solo. It was good." - Julie, when asked about the band Sneakin' Out
"Can I play with your hair?" - Some chick who was really, really into Kim's locks
"OhMyGodOhMyGod!" - Jen, after getting kissed by Michael Franti, who is like totally her boyfriend now
"...and he was all, like, fuckin,' meeeeoooooaaaw!" - Box, admiring Buckethead's guitar prowess
"Preferably with someone who's not tripping out on anything. Or, I can drive your car." - Jill Andrews from The Everybodyfields, asking the audience for a ride to SF
"You missed out, but you'll get your chance to see it." - Joey, bragging about his Jaminator
"We're camping with the Republicans." - April, reveling in the opulence of HSMF's RV section.
"You mean the Shastafarians?" - Little kid at the pool, describing the people from his hometown of Mt. Shasta.
"So do I!" - Topless lady with a "Free Hugs" sign around her neck, after Jen said she wanted a free hug.
"That was smooshy." - Jen, ten seconds later.
So RAD! Who has the parachute? That's in the top 10 best festival gear. Rock on. I plan on going next year, for sure.
Can't say I'm not a little jealous about the Franti-smooching going on. Ok. A LOT jealous. Sounds like you guys all had a blast though. :) Sasha is too damn cute.
Was Teller wearing a matching alcoholic shirt? How come he's not in the picture?
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