Surfed a reef in the middle of Hanalei bay this AM by myself (and a turtle); overhead in the sets. That's about as good as it gets. Checked out Wailua falls later. Meanwhile, down at Kalipaki (photos), the surf looked micro and playful. Surfed there last week; a 30 year old flight attendant drowned there yesterday. How?
Tomorrow evening, after cleaning this place, we fly to LAX/SFO/ACV, red-eye style.
It's been fun here: not too long, not too short. It'll be good to see the pets and even better to get Sasha back on her routine. Yes, it's good to keep them flexible, but man, can I get an "amen" for predictable nap times? Glory be.
Back to Humboldt at 10:30 AM local time on Tuesday.
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