Here's the thing. They stole hardly anything. We don't leave anything 'hot' in the cars. Stereo? Still there. Sunglasses? Still there. They took a book of super-unpopular CDs, such as Calexico, Cat Power, & Gillian Welch, all of which won't fetch a modest sum on eBAy.
The window will cost $265 to fix. Our deductible is $250. The cop was prompt and unhelpful. The villain(s) left their grubby marks on my window, presumably scoping it out. I almost wish they'd emptied my car of all those half-decent promo CD's. But no, they saw the dog hair, sand, and filth and opted for the more sanitary vehicle.
Auto glass is suprisingly cool. It crumbles into dull little chips. It's still a drag when you're vaccuuming it out of your wife's cupholder.
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