The lady at the workshop said that 'finishing' the piece is going take a good chunk of time. But did she say apply Minwax and then sand? Because the Minwax was wet....and sanding something wet felt wrong. Beyond that, I have followed the instructions.
It still looks uneven.
Two coats of wood conditioner, one coat of stain. Now what?
wait more days!!!!!
seriously though you must wait for the stuff to dry. If it is oil based (which i think it must be) it could take at least 5-8 hours with our cold humid climate. You do want to sand lightly!! between coats to level any dust particles. Looks great though. Are you taking orders?
Dronk's Woodworking Emporium is now taking orders. I will sand lightly; it's been sitting for two days. Dry by now, no?
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