So Huckleberry Flint and I have been semi-consistently mixing their new CD for the last few months. Which is fun and all, but it's just about done. I made the handoff to the mastering guy today.
I had a nostalgic feeling yesterday that there was a Final Exam coming up today, but it's cool. I studied hard. Where's my number #2 pencil? Bring it on!
Anyway, the mastering guy is very cool and broke the news gently: the compression on the mixdowns is too crude. The vocals are too low. The guitars squelch the vocal, and the bass squelches everything.
Dang! Now I'm walking out of the testing hall with B-/C+ test.
So now it's back in for another late night of mouse-pushing, EQ,cross-fading, multi-band compression, reverb adjustment, and all around normaliztion. And gentle, gracelful compression.
But hey. The dude was nice about it, and honestly, we're talking about tiny, tiny adjustments in the grand sonic spectrum. I though I was a perfectionist, but no. I'm not. Soon, though.
PS- That guy was right. Worked til 2AM and I think it does actually sound better. "You could probably say that every day", said Sara.