Is this what it feels like to be proud of your country? This is awesome! Jess, who is CanadAmerican, said "This is what it's like when you're Canadian!"
Where do they sell American flags?
While I was out watching local politics, apparently there was quite the party at home. I took the recycling out: 4 champagne bottles, 2 wine bottles, a bottle mead, a bottle of Jamesons, and 18 beers.
Over at Lost Coast Brewery, normally loud, was dead quiet during Obama's acceptance speech, punctuated by huge bursts of applause.
I'm just so glad that we'll have someone who doesn't openly mock thoughtful discourse. Someone who hasn't made a selling point of drawing lines in the sand.
And thank heavens we won't have a VP who's primary selling point is perky cultural victimhood.
I took Sasha into the booth with me, and she filled out the bubbles.
Not usually one for parental sentimentality, I really felt proud to have her make history.
I'm just hoping she's too young right now to remember anything about the Bush years.
Besides the failure of Prop. 8, which totally baffles us (Marriage isn't for everyone? Really?) Sara and I are relieved that common sense dominated on Prop. 2. Not like it was hard call. The goodguy/badguy line was pretty clear. You can't subject a sentient creature to a living hell for the sake of "cheapness."
And seriously, I'm relieved for Republicans. GWB has done you wrong, and alienated everyone along the way. Vilifying intellectuals, along with his myopic, good-old-boy nationalism has only shamed the party. He didn't even walk the talk (small gov't). Now a clear path for a respectable, post-Rove GOP has been laid, and we can leave his man-child immaturity behind.
Don't you actually fee like we can reprioritize education, global sensitivity, and respect for the planet?
My only regret about election night is that, since I was working, I feel I still have some group hugs to get out of my system.
You're in good company. Many other friends with similar emails, blog posts, VM, and conversations.
Two friends have had babies in the last three days. I feel better about the world in which their new editions have arrived.
Big hug coming atcha!! I so enjoy this peaceful hope running through my system.
And I believe there were 3 bottles of wine..
wish we were there to celebrate an amazing night with y'all. cheers to the next 8!
This was a fine night indeed! Now we have a grown-up president.
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