Steve and Marigold Haske have this ultra-enjoyable blog. You don't need to know them to like it, but they are basically just like you: articulate, upwardly mobile, talented, devastatingly savvy, all that.
Anyway, Steve said I could repost Marigold's thoughts on Mother's Day. He said!
Being new parents ourselves, it resonated. He also said that I should try and make her look bad when I repost it, so I'll use an out-of-context photo of her.
Take it away, Marigold!

Last year on Mother's Day I was about halfway through my pregnancy and I wrote a post entitled
Ten Things About My Impending Motherhood That Scare The Bejesus Out of Me.
So this year, I'm going to re-visit that list and see how I'm doing now that Motherhood has arrived.
Ten Things About My Impending Motherhood That Scared The Bejesus Out of Me, But Now Don't So Much, And Why
1. The pee-pee. Never had one and not quite sure how to deal with it.Well, I should've known that it wouldn't be all that scary. Except when he has really watery poop, because there are a lot of little nooks and crannies around that thing that need to be wiped up.
2. I have a strong aversion to vacuuming and have visions of all of the resulting kitty litter, pubic hairs, toenails, boogers, Cheeto crumbs, etc. that will inevitably end up stuck to Baby as he learns to crawl.I keep one room of the house very clean, for the most part, and Huck is free to crawl about this room to his heart's content. When I notice that it's getting a little gross, I vacuum. The funny thing is, Huck also has a strong aversion to the vacuum. It scares the crap out of him. He cries and literally trembles in fear. Steve will bring him to another room and hold him while I do it.
3. What am I supposed to do with all of my craft supplies? I have a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Beads and ribbon and wire and glues for every occasion. And I'm no good at putting them away.They are in a dedicated craft room that Huck's not allowed into. I do crafts in the livingroom after his bedtime, and I put them away when I'm done. Not a big deal.
4. The whole birthing process.Yeah. That kind of sucked. But it's true that you forget it, because already I think it wasn't
so bad.
5. Who will love the cats? And my Sims? Who will love them?Nobody.
6. I require a lot of attention and affection from Steve. I like lots of snuggley-wuggly-wuvy-yuvies. Sometimes I like to yell, "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" from across the apartment. I fear my doting husband will dote on me no more.Hmm. This one is hard to explain. Our relationship is much . . . richer, I guess, now that Huck is here. We have always had a very strong relationship, but it is definitely a whole different kind of connection, being parents together. Something I don't think is possible without a baby. Our priorities are different. All of those worries I had about being too selfish to be a mother are completely non-issues now, because motherhood took all of that selfishness away. If that makes sense. I do miss "couple time" sometimes, though.
7. Dear God, isn't it just going to be so very very very exhausting? Am I going to be just soooo tired for the next eighteen years?Not nearly as much as I thought it would be. I do have my days when I feel beat down and I need sleep, but overall I feel good. I've said this before, but I continue to amaze myself with my own stamina. Also, honestly, I could care less about being tired. This is funny to me because I've always been such a lazy person. I like napping and vegging out in front of the T.V. and having lots of "me" time. There were so many things I was scared about changing when I found out I was pregnant. Those things were SUCH a big deal. I actually thought I was giving something up to have a baby. Maybe freedom, or maybe unrealized potential. But now that he's here, my entire life is better. Now I look at people who don't want kids, or who are waiting for the "right" time and I think,
you are missing out on the very best part of your life, and you don't even know it. So, I guess what I'm saying is that being a little tired is such a stupid thing to worry about. Now go have a baby.
8. Breastfeeding/breast pumping/cracked nipples/engorgement/plugged ducts/nipple confusion.I was pretty lucky in this department. We had a rough couple of days right in the beginning, and it did sting at the latch on for the first month, but those are minor issues. We're both pros at it now. Incidently, I always knew I would breastfeed, but I never knew how much I would enjoy it. I love the drunk look Huck gets after he tanks up. Plus, nursing releases hormones that make me feel relaxed and content.
9. What about Lost? How will I watch it with Little Billy screaming all of the time? I can tape it or get TiVo, but won't I want to sleep when Baby's sleeping? What about all the important research that goes into watching that show?This is not an issue at all. Again, it speaks to how priorities change. I still love the show, of course, but it's not a huge deal if I have to tape it and watch it the next day because I need to go to bed. Steve does most of the internet research during his lunch break and will report to me if there's anything major I need to know about.
10. This little bitty person is going to need me more than he needs anybody else. What if I just really screw up?Meh. I'm good at this Mommy stuff.