Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Youth Rules

Biology mandates a sort of cuteness-bond from parent to kid. Every parent thinks their kid is cute, if not the absolutely mostest-cutest baby on Earth, in the history of babies. Right?

Keeping that feeling at bay gets tiring, and once in a while, you let your guard down.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Shh...Don't tell Sasha

First post from Sara!

I knitted this up for Sasha's 1st birthday, coming up on December 10. Made of organic cotton, it reminds me of a ballerina wrap sweater. Now to finish the baby pants I started 2 years ago for her Christmas prezzie...by then they're likely be too small!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Sara's 30th kicked ass. If you give out free banjo lessons, you know where to find her.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Sasha likes waving. At people, at shadows, at her reflection, at the empty middle-distance in a room (which doesn't mean she sees ghosts, right?). But she'll wave and wave and wave until she gets a wave back.

Walking back to the car in the CostCo parking lot, Sara (on the last day of her 20's) reiterated the point. "She'll wave at anyone. She waves at people who don't usually get waves, people who usually get ignored on the street. Super-old people, bums, whoever. And it makes their day."


Speaking of waves, it was 10 ft. @ 13 sec. this morning at the jetty.

I brought my board, mainly just to humor myself, but didn't go in.

Get your tickets out, we're going to the gun show.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Tender Waveforms.

There's this show "Radiolab" out of a NY public radio station that is fucking brilliant. If you've not heard it, it's an hourlong documentary show, sort of like This American Life's smarter cousin.

It could be pinnacle of modern storytelling. It's edited is unlike any other show, and if you're not used to it, you have to meet it on it's own terms. The sound is stretched and bent, brushed and scrubbed, hammered and sequined. The sound just sparkles.

So, this week's episode. It's too soon to say "Best Radio Show Of All Time Ever", but it's on my personal list. It's about how they paint with sound. It's like they climbed up my brain and explained stuff back to me that I always almost knew.

This weeks' episode is about the nitty-gritty of editing Radiolab. About how to, say, gut a soundbite for all it's interesting sonic bits. Then how to take those bits, invert them against themselves, and rearrange them to restate the point of the soundbite itself.

Like an audio MC Escher. It's achingly good.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I am suddenly obsessed with the Writer's Strike.

Can't quite put it together. We love TV, almost evangelically.
("What, you don't have a TV? Wait, what? You killed it??" Ungh. You don't go slashing canvases just because Thomas Kincade walks the earth. You go to better museums. But whatever.)

Does it make sense? No. But writers do the heavy lifting in entertainment, and get zero credit. So, if you walk by a striking writer, which is very unlikely, give them a tongue-kiss.

Unrelated: Humboldt County is a difficult place for escalator enthusiasts.

And Sasha's fine and about to be a year old.